Top 5 Reasons Not To Move Out Of Pico-Robertson

In the last few years, it really does seem like everyone is fleeing Pico-Robertson to either Florida or more “out of town” communities. Recently, someone said something to the effect of Pico feeling like a warm out of town community with a lot of the benefits of being in town. While there are valid reasons for wanting to move somewhere safer due to the homelessness, crime, and cost of living, there are also valid reasons for staying in this beautiful community, such as the following.

The Weather and Beautiful Scenery 

We never have to worry about being snowed out of the sukkah or worry about hurricanes half the year. It feels like spring/summer almost the whole year, allowing for outdoor Shabbos potlucks at Roxbury Park or outdoor playdates to entertain your children. We are surrounded by beautiful scenery and close enough for regular hikes to the Hollywood Sign or to go to Big Bear to experience snow for a day or two. 

The Shuls

Just like with the copious choices of kosher restaurants, there are just as many, if not  more, choices when it comes to shuls. Whether you are Yeshivish or Sephardic or Chabad or Modern Orthodox or somewhere in between, there is a place for you to daven comfortably and find a warm shul community in Pico. You could go to a different shul every Shabbos for a month and still have so many more to explore! 

The Chesed

One benefit of living in such a warm community as Pico is the amount of chesed that is done (and often the frequency with which it is done!). Almost any time a woman has a baby you will see a meal train made within a matter of hours. And alternatively, when someone lo aleinu has a death in their family, there are meal trains immediately made and offers to help the grieving family.  There’ve been times where someone posts in a community WhatsApp group her child is sick and within minutes her inbox is blowing up with offers to help drop off whatever she may need. There are truly holy families who open their homes every Shabbos to whoever may need a meal. 

The Food 

Are you in the mood for pizza? Burgers? Steak? Tacos – either fleishig or dairy? Matzah ball soup? Just stroll up and down Pico and go where your hunger pangs take you. Do you need Shabbos takeout? Go to Lieder’s or Schwartzes for delicious heimish goodies or go to Lenny’s Shabbat Shuk for an Israeli vibe. 

The Learning 

Pico is a truly special place if you are in need of a shiur; all you need to do is ask in a WhatsApp group and you will be likely to find one quickly. Because Pico is such a diverse community, there are torah classes that fit all levels from kiruv (outreach) to kollel learning. Shuls such as SOLA and The Community Shul offer regular women’s classes. There are shiurim during the day, as well as shiurim at night for those who cannot attend during the day. If you are looking for a weekly shiur to attend, you are guaranteed to find something that suits your busy schedule! 

Those are just a few of the reasons we can’t imagine living anywhere else.

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